[ VS11] What Happened To My Unit Tests Migrated From VS2010
May 23rd, 2012. We provide the ability in Visual Studio 11 to do native unit testing, with a new C++ unit testing framework shipping in the box. We're really happy.... I recently migrated to VS 11 from VS 2010 and have found that there are now two sets of ... I assumed this was a bug until I just happened to find this hidden UI. ... in the same place as the active unit-test settings for clarity and discoverability.. It happens I have a project licensed under the MIT License and I'd like to use the ... For Visual Studio 2010, the last supported version is v0. ... The code is broken up into three projects: CodeMaid (the core), IntegrationTests and UnitTests. ... Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio Gallery One thought on [#VS11].... y claro, los unit tests pasaban OK y la cobertura de cdigo era muy buena. ... [# VS11] What happened to my unit tests migrated from # VS2010?. I'm working on a test migration of a TFS server from 2010 to 2012. ... There are unit tests, and they do run, so it's something specifically happening with web tests. ... on the 2012 build controller with the VS2010 version of MSTest, the same issue occurs. ... /details/728659/mstest-not-working-after-installing-vs11-next-to-vs10#.. ... [# VS11] What happened to my unit tests migrated from # VS2010? p> image. Buenas,. After a good while working with Visual Studio 11 and ReSharper 7,...
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